
These are some of the New Light Ministries that you might like to be involved with, including an email or contact phone number for the organizer.

Food & Friends:

Delivers groceries to persons debilitated by the effects of HIV/AIDS. 

Contact Bruce Brooks at if you can help.

Food & Friends Website / Facebook

A Resting Place Ministry /
Emergency Food Cabinet / Free Clothing:

“A Resting Place” Ministry is a very large part of helping our neighbors. It is headed by Denise (Dee) Fenninger-Coggin.  Visit “A Resting Place” webpage for more information on this ministry.

We also maintain a food cabinet for those in need that pass by our doors and give out free clothing to those who have need of them. Volunteers stock the cabinet and provide occasional soup time. Please let Denise (Dee) Fenninger-Coggin know (717-344-0054)  if you can help. Nonperishable food and clean clothing, or money donations are always welcome.

NLMCC is a 501(c)3 Religious Organization. Contributions or gifts to New Light Metropolitan Community Church are tax deductible as charitable contributions. ©2022 NLMCC.

Web Ministry:

Our Website, Facebook/Twitter / YouTube pages, events, promotions, etc. Ministry is lead by Harold Gress Jr. If you have updates or changes please let us know at the church office email: Sign up for our Email Announcements.

Facebook Live Ministry:

We do Facebook Live every Sunday Service at 10:30 AM. This Ministry is headed by Harold Gress, Jr. Volunteers are welcome to help with this ministry.

Prayer Group Ministry:

Join our NLMCC Prayer Group Ministry, a private group page on Facebook.

Yarn Ministry:

We will knit hats for the homeless on Sundays after service. This ministry is headed by Harold Gress, Jr.
Yarn and instruction provided – just bring a round knitting needle.

Head Start Hats & Gloves Collection Ministry:

The Head Start Hats & Gloves Collection Ministry is headed by Lou Clingenpeel.  This ministry collects hat and gloves for our local Head Start Program to be distributed the first full week of December each year.

Annual Christmas Extravaganza Ministry:

The “Christmas Extravaganza” Ministry is co-headed by Rev. Deb Coggin and Denise (Dee) Fenninger-Coggin.  Since 2017 we have created an event for local children where the day is all about them.
Due to COVID-19 the event was not held in 2020 and 2021. Instead Santa visited New Light  and socially distanced goody bags and Bombas Socks were distributed to local children and parents.

Special Events and Fundraising:

Raffles, movie nights, special guest concerts, spaghetti dinners or themed dinners, yard sales, and much, much, more. All ideas considered, volunteers always needed.

Educational Programs and Bible Studies:

These are arranged by the pastor, although many of them are lay led. The needs of the community range from bible study and spiritual care to financial workshops and craft collectives. Please see the calendar for scheduled events, or talk to the pastor if you’d like to lead a group.

Besides these ministries there is the Board of Directors.  Board members are voted in by the congregation at our annual meeting in December. If you would like to be considered for a board position please speak to a member of the current board (Harold Gress, David Washington, Connie Safko, or Stephanie Erdice).