Greetings from the Pastor

Welcome to our web-page. I am delighted that you are viewing our site. It is our hope that you will visit with us in person.

At New Light, we are striving to be authentic in all that we do. God is beginning a new thing here. We have survived a time in the wilderness. Now is the time for new growth and living in the full potential that God desires for us. I have learned that New Light MCC is a strong community of faith with great potential and many gifts. I am excited to see God move among us, with us and through us as we travel this journey in the New Year. I hope you will consider becoming an active participant.

New Light Metropolitan Community Church is an exciting community of faith. We are committed to becoming a healthy, growing church which impacts the lives of people with the good news of Jesus Christ.

New Light MCC strives to provide quality worship services, congregational care for your spiritual, emotional, and physical needs, opportunities for spiritual growth, as well as avenues where you may exercise your gifts and talents in ministry. We commit to be good stewards of all the resources you provide. In the Gospel of John, Jesus tells us that the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. It would be a wonderful addition for our community to have you become a part of New Light MCC.

I am also new to New Light MCC, so let me about the Fenninger-Coggin family. Denise (Dee) and I have been together for 11 years and were married in July of 2014. In 2011, our lives changed forever when God brought 5 beautiful and amazing girls into our lives.  Taty is 18, Espy is 16, Addy is 13, Lola is 8 and Ella is 7. We and the girls legally became a family in March of 2013. Each year on this date, we celebrate “Gotcha Day.” They keep us very busy and have blessed our lives in ways that we never could have imagined. We also share our home in Lancaster, PA with 4 dogs – Zeke (16) a small poodle mix and the only male in our household; Jezebel (10) a rottweiler/chow mix; Shekinah (7) a yorkie/ bichon mix and Star (2) a black lab who drives us all crazy.

I have been in ministry for over 30 years. I am honored to be called to pastor New Light MCC. Please know that I have an open door policy. You may call or text me at (717)682-1873. If I do not answer, I will call back as soon as possible so leave a message. You may e-mail me at I invite you to like my new facebook page – Pastor Deb New Light MCC – to keep in touch as well as learn more about what is happening at New Light MCC from the Pastor’s desk.

May God bless you and keep you close.  If we can pray for you, please let us know by contacting the church or me directly.

Peace … Pastor Deb